Donate Money

ABCA gratefully accepts your monetary donations. Your donations will be used for shipping and distribution costs.

Please include your name, email, address and phone number, so we can send you a receipt.

ABCA has a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Tax Office. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.

How will your money be used?

All funds raised are used directly to pay for the shipping and distribution of books and customs clearance in destination countries.

ABCA has no administration staff or associated ‘overhead’ costs. Volunteers collect books, pack books and complete the administration associated with delivery of the books.

How your contribution helps:

$100 = 1 box of books
$3500 = shipment

Considering ongoing or monthly support? Join our community of regular givers. With your ongoing support you will ensure through education children in rural communities in Africa are equipped to rise above the impoverished conditions into which they were born. Please contact us.